I hope this note finds you well, I want to share with you my experience.
The day of my first dose 3 weeks ago I walk into a very busy medical center, 2 masks on, all the fear and the hope in the world in my heart and mind . This was the first time in one year when I was in such a big space with so many strangers. One million thoughts were running through my head, arguments and facts about the vaccine, the unknown, the miss information, the deaths of loved ones, the feelings I had in the days of my exposure, the conspiracy, the hard days of the pandemic ... All of it.
The moment the vaccine entered my arm I cried, I was grateful, and sad in the same time since I know so many people that didn't have this opportunity yet, or could have lived if we were more careful, more kind, more human. But as I sat and waited the 15 minutes, I was so grateful for the last year, for the people that learned to live a "normal life" in a world of fear, chaos, unknown, death and separation. You, the people, the people that did everything possible to support my practice, our friendships and our relationships , the people that booked early appointments because they didn't felt safe around others, the ones the did the distance appointments, the ones that kept checking on me in the times I got exposed and the amazing medical practifioners that help me understand this virus, get tests when I needed them and eventually get vaccinated. Thank you.
One of my biggest fears in this pandemic was that I will get someone sick, my clients or my partner(Seth) , so this vaccine give me that peace of mind, I will not be responsible for spreading the virus, because I will keep my protocols in place, wear my mask and be careful still.
Second... I can hug, I can finally really hug my loved ones and soon enough after the US in not considered a red country I will be able to see my parents, brother and best friend in Romania.. It has been 3 years now..
Now talking about the vaccine, I received the Pfizer, I didn't have any kind of reaction besides a mild hangover kind of feeling and some body pain. I spent today home since I got my second vaccine yesterday, resting and using my biomat with my favorite little fur child Dayo.

Seva Reiki is, has been and it will always be a safe place for all. This vaccine was another tool for me to have and do my part in creating a safe world around me. The healing part of this pandemic will take a long time, there is so much to grief, so much that we have to revisit and deal with . The pandemic is not over yet, the virus is still out there, mutating and still killing people, if your doctor has adviced you not to take the vaccine listen to them, let's continue to be the superheroes, wear your mask and you know all the other things we have been doing to keep ourselves and others safe. If you have the opportunity to get a vaccine don't miss it.
Like I said a million times before, there are times when energy work can't help you enough, that is why I fully embrace the knowledge of science medicine. Working together and working from a place of ethics is the answer.
Many people in the holistic world will not take the vaccine and try to spread misleading information to their clients, that is why I chose to share the fact that I did get the vaccine, we are all different, with different beliefs systems and different views. I honor you as you are and if you choose not to take the vaccine I really want to believe that you will do your part to navigate out of this safe and healthy. Sometimes we have to remember to put the well-being of others on the same level with ours. This is compasionate love. 💚

All my love and gratitude always.
I'm so happy to hear you got it! This makes my heart so happy for you! 💕